North Dakota Association of Technology Leaders - is committed to the improvement of education through the use of technology.

With membership totaling over 250 and conference attendance over 200, we invite you to join us as we push the boundaries of education by harnessing the power of technology to advance learning and teaching!

The NDATL Board will open the call for presenters in the summer of 2023!

Here is your opportunity to inspire educators, demonstrate a creative use of technology, share your success with educators across North Dakota, and learn about trending topics.

Submit your NDATL Membership or Renewal Application online through NDCEL:

NDATL Only Membership: NDATL Only Membership

NDCEL and Affiliate Membership: NDCEL and Affiliate Membership Application Form 2023-2024

We hope to see you at our 2024 Annual Conference!

Fall Conference

Join us for the annual NDATL Fall Conference.  We are planning an outstanding day of learning, keynote presentations, and a vendor showcase. Attendees were able to network with technology leaders, educators, and vendors, with many hands-on opportunities to learn about new and exciting educational tools. 

We look forward to our annual conference in October at the Jamestown Civic Center!